Research Tools



NoteExpress is a domestically developed literature management software, developed by Beijing Aiqinhai Lezhi Technology Co., Ltd(北京爱琴海乐之技术有限公司). The core functions of this software are highly abundant, capable of retrieving and managing a large number of literature abstracts and full texts, assisting users in easily collecting and organizing the required literature materials.


EndNote is a powerful literature management software widely used by researchers. Developed by Clarivate Analytics, the software aims to assist users in efficiently managing and organizing references, citations, and annotations, thereby accelerating the research process.

Essential Science Indicators

Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is an in-depth analytical research tool based on the Web of Science database, which can identify influential individuals, institutions, papers, journals, and countries in a particular research field.

Journal Citation Reports

JCR database provides a systematic and objective tool for evaluating globally leading academic journals rigorously, based on the authoritative citation database of Web of Science, using quantified statistical information.


The Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database, provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Documentation and Information Center, abbreviated as the Journal Zone Table, categorizes all journals in the JCR, offering classification data based on two disciplinary systems: major and minor categories. It also provides functions for retrieving, browsing, and downloading zone data.

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